Sparsevector guy posted a blog about all the new attention they’ve gotten since Two Best Friends and Giant Bomb did videos about his tremendously awesome game Super Amazing Wagon Adventure.
I am proud that I was the dude who told Giant Bomb about the game and am partly responsible for a game I love getting lots of attention. That’s the first time I’ve ever done that and it made my week.
The write-up I link is interesting above and beyond all that, because it’s a great look at the shocking results of word-of-mouth for stuff. And I can’t get over this specific passage:
I figured that after having the game featured in IndieRoyale and covered in numerous game press outlets (GameSpot, Destructoid, Edge, Eurogamer, RockPaperShotgun, etc) just about everyone who would possibly be interested in my game would have already heard of it. I was very wrong. It seems that, at least for small indie games, you never really have “enough” exposure.
Wow! If you know games that’s a pretty good list. Indiegamerchick and others had also talked about the game. And yet this new round of exposure is so big Sparse is now talking about quitting his day job.
Anyone working on their own content and looking at indie distribution should take the above lesson to heart. You’re never done getting your stuff out there – the internet is a big place and there’s always more places with an audience that might absolutely love what you’ve made.